Elect Billy Parker For Pitt County Commissioner

District C

Why Am I Running for Public Office?

The simple answer to this question is “to do good and to give back to a community that has given much to me and my family”.

My parents and grandparents lived and worked in Pitt County. I was born, reared, and attended elementary, high school, and college in Pitt County. I currently live, work, and am raising my family in Pitt County. Because of these ties, I want to see Pitt County thrive in the future for my family, my neighbors, and all its citizens.

But why politics? I believe the state is an important part of a well-ordered, just society. Central to a well-ordered society is the institution of family.

Families are the heart and soul of society. If the family is healthy, society will be healthy as well. Also important to a well-ordered society are non-government, civil institutions. Churches and houses of worship, civic organizations, community groups—all of these institutions represent the voluntary, cooperative engagement of citizens in the pursuit ofthe good, and they too are vital to healthy society.

Billy Parker with Wife Callie Parker, Pitt county backdrop image
Billy Parker with Family in Greenville NC

Finally, government is also vital to a well-ordered society. Fundamentally, it exists to protect rights that are given by God, to act as a check on lawlessness, and to uphold and support the law-abiding so that they can pursue their vision of the good life. I agree with Thomas Jefferson’s vision of government expressed so eloquently in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”. The role of the legislator, whether local, state, or federal, is to enact public policy wisely, respecting fundamental individual liberties while also pursuing and promoting the common good.

Support Economic Development, Schools, Law Enforcement & Emergency Services

As a county commissioner, I will support policies that strengthen the soul of society, policies that help families thrive. Further, as an owner and operator of a third-generation small business in Pitt County, I believe that there is dignity to be found in work. In order for families to thrive, people must have the opportunity to engage in employment. I will support economic development in Pitt County. I believe government can help cultivate the good soil needed for small and large businesses to grow and flourish.

Part of this soil is a well-educated citizenry. I will support our local public school systems, Pitt County Community College, and East Carolina University. I believe that these vital resources are for all our citizens and as such should be neutral with regard to the current contentious ideological debates that drive division and toxify civil discourse. Our public institutions of learning, supported by the tax money of all citizens, should be “of the people, by the people, and for the people”, not private laboratories co-opted by advocates masquerading as teachers who aim to create mindless agents of modern progressivism to perpetuate their own far-left ideological concerns.

Another fundamental requirement of a well-ordered society is the safety of its citizens. As a county commissioner, I will make support for our law enforcement officers a priority. Law enforcement exists to protect the weak and law-abiding from the powerful and lawless. Law enforcement is the flesh and bones of the belief that all men are created equal and endowed by God with unalienable rights. Without law enforcement to stand in the gap, the strong take advantage of the weak, the lawless go unpunished, and justice becomes an apparition without substance.

Finally, disease and tragedy can quickly derail and demoralize. It is at these times that we need help—the help of our family, neighbors, friends, but also the help of services and organizations supported by local government. As such, I will support our emergency services and hospital because these are vital to the health and well-being of the people of Pitt County. Pitt County is my home, and my goal is to make Pitt County an even better place for every family that calls Pitt County home.

I would humbly ask that you would consider Voting for me for County Commissioner District C. God Bless You and May God Bless Pitt County!

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Billy Parker with Pitt County Background

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